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JDS WINPAC Voice Comfirmation System


                     The hotel can itemize all consumer food and beverages in codes.

                     Minibar transaction can be posted manually on screen through Intelligent Console as well as over the telephone. 

                     Maid ID can be provided for performing minibar transaction.

                     The hotel staff can simply call into the system to key-in the item code and quantity consumed over the telephone 

                     The system will announce the keyed-in item and quantity to re-assure the accuracy of the information keyed-in by the staff.

                     The posting of minibar can be done from any extension.

                     The final minibar charge will then be posted to the guest folio in the front office system.

                     The quantity entered can be validated against stock available in the system.

                     The system supports Chinese Display.

                     Activities Alert and Logging.

                     Minibar Report.




                     Allows the housekeeping staff to call into the system and post the room status to the front office system by using the room touch-tone telephone.

                     Maid ID can be provided for performing room status transaction.

                     Room Status transaction can be posted manually on screen through Intelligent Console as well as over the telephone.

                     The housekeeping staff can opt to choose from pre-recorded options of room status types. 

                     User is also able to change room status prompts over the telephone.

                     The posting of room status can be done from any extension.

                     The housekeeping staff will be guided by pre-recorded voice prompts step by step to post room status transaction over the telephone.

                     After a status has been selected, the system will announce the selection in voice to re-assure the accuracy of information keyed-in by the housekeeping staff.

                     Activities Alert and Logging.

                     Room Status Report



C.                  AUTO WAKE-UP SUSTEM (AWU)


1.                  VOICE RECORDING UTILITY

A voice recording utility is provided to record the standard voice prompts (including the activated date).



                     A guest may call into AWS to set a wake-up call by himself / herself from his / her room.

                     The operator can assist a guest to set a wake-up call from the console by using a special access code.

                     The operator may set the wake-up call by calling directly in to the AWS.

                     Guest are able to set multiple wake-up calls per day per room.

                     The hotel is able to configure the following :-

(a)                Number of retries of wake-up call to a room

(b)               Number of rings before a call is considered no answer.

                     The system is able to configure VIP AWU calling method.  For example, the system can call and inform the Operator when there’s a wake-up call for VIP, subsequently the Operator can call the CIP personally.

                     The system can schedule wake-up calls based on:-

(a)                Number of Registered Wake-up calls

(b)               Number of Wake-up Call Channels

                     The system will highlight (screen/printer) if the registered wake-up calls for a specific time is overloaded.

                     The wake-up call registration is automatically changed to the new room when there’s room change.


3.         REPORTS

                     Two reports are provided, namely:-

(a)                Automatic wake-up call report e.g., busy, no answer and answered

(b)               Transaction report e.g., wake-up call set or cancelled by guests.


4.                  WAKE-UP CALL CANCELLATION

The AWS will automatically cancel a wake-up call upon guest checks out.


5.                  SNOOZE CALL

The AWS allows a guest to request for a second wake-up call or a snooze call ten minutes later.


6.            ALARM SIGNAL

If the guest in the room does not answer after AWS has called for a certain pre-set number of attempts, the operator will be informed via an alarm signal by the AWS.